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Hoof rot (necrobacillosis) between the toes in cattle

hoof rot or necrobacillosis between the toes in cattle is an infectious disease characterized by
inflammation of sensitive foot tissues and severe lameness
It happens more in adults. Fusobacterium is the cause of the disease and Bacteroides melaninogenicus
can also play a role.
In hoof rot, impact and rubbing in the area between the fingers are predisposing factors.
A paved floor or a covered bed causes disease. In the rainy and humid seasons, this disease is more
common. Purulent lesions and secretions between two toes may reach other parts of the foot and even
lead to amputation.
Severe leg lameness and fever, reduced milk production and anorexia.
Swelling and creating a gap between the fingers and creating a bad smell
Autopsy symptoms:
It is possible to see the production of infection in the joints of tendon sheath.
Observation of the nature of the wound, smell of the wound, observation of Fusobacterium and
Bautroides bacteria in the laboratory
Inflammation of the layered tissue of the hoof causes lameness. But it should not be mistake with hoof
In hoof inflammation, a local lesion is not observed in the leg area.
Bone injuries and penetration of foreign bodies and dermatitis and papillomatosis should not be
confused with hoof rot.
prescription of antibiotics by non-edible means and local treatment of lesions from (five percent
solution of copper sulfate and bacterial pomade)
And inject penicillin G or oxytetracycline 10 mg for every kilogram intravenously, if the treatment is
done on time and correctly, it will improve in 2-4 days.
Control and prevention:
Correct management in animal husbandry and use of suitable bed for livestock and preventing the
covering of wooden materials in the bed and using a pond containing 5-10% formalin copper sulfate
solution at the entrance of livestock.
Commercial vaccines have not yet been determined to be effective in controlling the disease.

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