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Raising the down cow on its feet and Back to the herd

Our mission is to create a comfortable and stress-free environment for down cows
reduce stress, you need to have a correct diagnosis and quick treatment, and keep the cows with a high
. By following some important points, you can prevent the down cow from getting stuck.
Including careful use of mineral supplements, good management, body condition, choosing the right bull
for jumping. Make sure that the cows are not too fat or thin
In order for you to get a better result, pay attention to three principles 1- Identify the cause 2- Decide on
the treatment 3. Follow the treatment management program
Cows should be lifted when they are able to bear heavy weight
If you see symptoms such as tremors in the cow’s body, lack of consciousness or disease in the
functioning of the cow’s organs, roll it instead of lifting it, in this case, there will be less danger and
damage to the cow.
Sitting the cow on one side of the body causes nerve and muscle damage. If it cannot change direction,
you must help it to roll to the other side. The way to turn the cow is to fold the cow’s legs to the inside
of the body, roll the cow to the sides and next to the cow Stay. Bend its knees and press the cow’s
pelvis. Every time you turn the cow, pull the cow’s legs back, then bend and straighten the hind legs to
help blood flow. Do this twice a day.
Before you try to work with the hip clamp, check the cow’s hip joint to make sure it is not broken or torn
Use the chest belt to raise the cow’s hips and stand better on the front legs and for more safety
It is better not to use one abdominal belt
Take these steps to reduce pain in cows
1. It should have proper strength and sufficient friction under the cow’s feet.
2. Place the thigh clips securely on the thigh bones
3. Add the chest belt behind the cow’s front legs
3. Move the cow forward with a loader and gently return it to the ground and try again later. If it is
unable to stand after 24 hours, consult a veterinarian.

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