Exhibition Research and the innovation of Hamedan in 2017
Hamadan research and innovation exhibition Start date: 18/12/2013 End date: 19/12/2018 Hamedan Research and Innovation Week exhibition was held on 18 December at Hamedan University
Hamadan research and innovation exhibition Start date: 18/12/2013 End date: 19/12/2018 Hamedan Research and Innovation Week exhibition was held on 18 December at Hamedan University
Dom Aria Mobatkarin Alvand Company welcomes you, dear ones, to the 17th Tehran International Exhibition. Exhibition start date: 6/9/2018 End date of the exhibition: 9/9/2018
dehorning of the calf: Dehorning should be done when the calf is in the least stressed state, usually it is done at the age of
The use or lack of use of cow brushes may be an early sign of stress or disease in dairy cows Cows spend their days
The educational workshop on hoof trimming in dairy cattle was held from 7/7/2019 until 9/7/2019 with the participation of Hamedan Province Technical and Vocational Training
Dom Aria Company, the innovators of Alvand Moghadam, welcomes you to the 18th Tehran International Exhibition. We are waiting for your warm presence, dear guests.
This scientific seminar on factors affecting the economic efficiency of dairy farms and analysis of production, reproduction, and breeding data will be held on Thursday
hoof rot or necrobacillosis between the toes in cattle is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of sensitive foot tissues and severe lameness. It happens